Sunday, 26 August 2012

TV Mobili : Free Media Server For Windows , MAC and Linux

Media Server is the server to broadcast media content like music, movie, picture whether across the internet world wide or just in your local area network.

in old days, we used to built the entire PC including setting the network solution just for home media server let alone the OS itself. but now, with the technology called UPNP (Universal Plug N Play), you can setup media server in a minute.

today, i will instruct you on how you wanna do it.

Hardware Requirement :

  • Cable RJ45 (depend on your network architecture).
  • Router
  • An old Computer that wanna TV Mobili Server.
  • A laptop or computer to test the TVMobili Server.

Software Requirement: 

You need to install this software. Below are the instruction phased by phased using images.

After install this software make sure to take note tv mobili url!. This is important because you need to setup its broadcasting content. for example what folder, should or should not been broadcast to the local area network. 

Access to TVMobili

  • Open any browser. etc mozilla, chrome, safari, opera, firefox and ie.
  • Type in tv mobili url.

"In case if you dont find the TVMobili url, here i will provide for you. http://localhost:30888" 

Thats it. You have setup your own free media server based on UPNP network. This is the end of TV Mobili Setup Part. Next, we gonna review what inside the TVMobili Web apps can bring us.

Anyone who dont understand or have  questions please give a comment down below. thank you.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Networking : What We Must Know

Network nowadays in essential in many aspects of business, social and educational. The Network is so called connection, between men, between machine nor computer. By creating a network, someone or something will be far more productive rather than single, standalone object. 

Today, we talked about computer network. Same as before, a connection between 2 or more object to achieve multiple objective. This "object" refers to computers. Computer alone can do many things but it is depends on how the user uses it. But by network, some aspect in computer a far more fascinating that those simple painting. 

Every thing needs a plan. there is no excluding in computer network. When there is plan, there is architecture.


To create an architecture of computer network, someone needs to calculate several things before move the environment to the desired architecture. 

First of all, Scalability issue. From time to time the company will expand and we need to add new nodes. The problem is reside in the hardware. How many port/patch panel/modular jack needed to complete this task?

"scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle a growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth. - wikipedia"

Lets say, the company have 5 computer right now. But the business is expanding. They need to use accountant department and centralize server. If you only buy hardware that only support 5 computers. The company surely have a hard time in budgeting the company revenue. 

Why It Counts? 

Based on the number of nodes and analytically increment over years, the major problem about connection between nodes is Reliability of the network itself. Reliability here means the connection are stable and smooth.

Reliability is a protocol to ensure the network stable and ready to use to send data over the network. For example, data request when certain packet are drop or damage due to the transmission over the line. Other than that, it also describe as reduce down time network which is mean that the network never disconnect its own client to satisfy other priority. 

"Realibility of a network often been tested by data transmitting. the way their doing the test is to stress the network with high volume of data transmitting until it fail."

Work Load

When things became real demanding and real-time, the workload will become very important. The workload in network is how many concurrent connection made by end user to server. What the server serve to satisfying user needs? how big the data that being transmitted throughout the line? 

At the end, workload depends on how users utilize that network. if the network is use for p2p downloading, the traffic will be sky high because the line receive larger data volume simultaneously. If in the network have high users traffic, i mean u need to change several things to be automaton, for example a server. a server can serve up to 300 users in one SME company. 

Thats all for today. see ya. if any question, pls comment below. 

Monday, 20 August 2012

How to do Defragmentation on PC

Disk Defragmenter is Maintenance Disk keeper . The version that is included with Windows XP and later provides limited functionality in maintaining disk performance by defragmenting volumes that use the FAT, FAT32, or NTFS file system. 

Some of the computer will be very slow when used for a long time without defrag the HDD. This occur because the system files, source files are being fragmented in several location through out the HDD. Thats why computer will be slow in order to search that particular files.

For Windows XP

Method 1: Use the Local Disk Properties
  • Open My Computer.
  • Right-click the local disk volume that you want to defragment, and then click Properties.
  • On the Tools tab, click Defragment Now.
  • Click Defragment.

Method 2: Use Defragment menu in Start Button
  • Click Start Button.
  • Click All Program.
  • Click Accessories Menu.
  • Click System Tools.
  • Click Disk Defragmenter.
  • Click the volume that you want to defragment, and then click Defragment.

For windows 7 : 

it is the same as windows xp but Microsoft make it very simple to search this defragment 

Method 1: Using Search in the Start Menu
  • Click Start Menu
  • Click Search Textbox
  • Type "Defrag" without the quotes.
  • Select top of the list.
  • Click the volume that you want to defragment, and then click Defragment.

For more easier, i put a software that do your bidding. 

Free Dowload Software.

Defraggler : [> Download Here <]

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Fix icon on Windows 7

Having hard time when your icon behave weirdly, or dispaly incorrect software icon? then you have stumble across crashed windows icon cache.


The icon cache is located at the hidden system folder location below:


Automatic Solution 

1. Download the .bat file that i have ready for you. [>Download Here <]
2. Save on anywhere in your computer. and right click > run as administrator.
3. Follow the instructions in the command prompt to rebuild the Icon Cache.
4. If the icon still not displaying correctly. you need to do Restore Default File Type Associations.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Nano Hair

I have a great new for a bald man... their hair can grow up in a minutes!!!... not so sure where i can explain this, but hey, its a biotechnology none ever created before..

please watch this video:

the girls will flock all over you again mr. bald-no-more..